Different from the Norm
Working for Yourself and Designing Your Business
When I started Moms in Slippers, my goal was and continues to be helping stay at home moms who want to run successful home based businesses. I wanted to introduce and present real-life work at home systems that last for a lifetime.
When I became a work at home mom, my focus was my family. I wanted to be home for my children when they came home from school each and every day. For me, there was nothing more important than being able to greet my children with warm brownies or some kind of homemade snack every day when I opened the front door to greet their smiling precious faces after a long day of being in school. I know the importance of our children’s’ safety and well-being and being a stay-at-home mom who works from home for the home, is just one way of giving them a peace of mind so that they never have to fear anything. I don’t think any child should have to be concerned with going home to an empty house and being there all alone for two to three hours five days a week.
Your Present Situation
If you’re out in the work force working long hours and you’re not being fulfilled, it’s time to start your own business. Just think, your face could be the very first face your children see when they get off the school bus. So it’s time to change your present situation today. Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home mom and you need just a little extra money every week or maybe even every day, then why not do it. You can build your own home based business right now. The steps are easy and the time is now.
In today’s economy it seems everybody is working two jobs or doing something to bring more money into the home, but not everybody knows how to start a home based business or they’re just not sure if a home based business is right for them or a good fit for them. I’m here to tell you from 12 years of experience that owning your home own home based business is not about making money; it’s about fulfillment.
When I worked as a program coordinator in corporate America, for the most part I wasn’t being fulfilled at all. There were no rewards for me and there was always a cap on my salary. My annual reviews were outstanding, but the increases I received were minimal with the exception of maybe one or two and then those had to be justified. I thought to myself, how can I get up out of my bed five, sometimes six days a week, work all day with a 45-minute lunch break, give my all-and-all, utilizing my computer expertise, sharing my heart, always the same, kind and respectful and then get a minimal increase? This definitely was not the life that I had planned for myself or my family. You see, when we work for someone else, most of your life is spent at work. I knew I had to do something to change my situation and being my own boss would be the only way to make this happen. I deserved it and I ventured out to set up shop in my own home. Why hadn’t I done this sooner. I deserved so much more in this life and I knew that working for someone else was the not the answer to living a life of freedom and fulfillment.
How to Begin
Do you know your gifts? Do you know where or how to begin your own work at home business? Do you think you have what it takes to work from home? I’m sure you do. We all have amazing gifts. I know I do and I love using each and every one of my gifts. My gifts, my talents, my skills and all my great abilities have been packed into one big box. For me, every day is like Christmas because every day I’m unwrapping some form of my gifts. Once unwrapped, I use my gifts to help and bless others. It’s what I love to do. When I go to my design studio, I sit and begin to craft masterpieces that cannot be found anywhere in the world. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know that there are hundreds of graphic designers out there who do phenomenal work and they are using and I’m sure enjoying their craft. For me, it goes so much deeper. When I sit to create a masterpiece, a sense of peace embraces me and before you know it, a vibrant and truly magnificent design, logo, bookmark or personalized keepsake has been birthed. This is how to begin your very own work at home business; using your brilliance, your gifts, your talents, your skills and abilities.
If you want to work from home, start today. It’ll be one of the greatest things you’ll ever do in your lifetime!