Christmas Season
Good day.
I’m pondering in my living room. As the Christmas season begins to wind down, yes, even though it’s January 16, 2019, the Christmas season is always in my home.
Well, Christmas has come and it’s still in my heart. It was such an amazing season of thanks and giving. There is something warm and life changing about giving.
Leading up to the Christmas season and the most magical time of the year, I started a new tradition for my family. I think hubby and I got through two of them as I don’t think he had any interest in baking homemade cookies and brownies. Lolllll
My Living Room Love
Anyway I enjoyed every second of the season as I always do. It was magical and phenomenal. I’m counting the days already to Christmas 2019. My theme is set and soon I’ll be working on my Christmas Eve menu. I cannot wait.
Today was a special day as all my days are. I had a busy day and I was able to get most of my goals accomplished.
My main focus and ultimate goal was to give my kitchen a thorough cleaning. I also had plans to clear the dining room table because it’s covered in Christmas decor, but I decided I would wait before I store them all in the attic. I have some lovely wine glasses on the table. I’m going to start a project with them this weekend. My dream is to ombré them. If they come out halfway decent I will add them to my gift business. I’m excited to give it a whirl. I will post pictures when they are finished.
And so it is that I continue to ponder in my living room. My day, as all my days are blessed, amazing and full of goals. I love to work towards achieving all of them one by done.